Wonders of Code Is Alive!!!

Welcome to my new blog, dear reader! Its purpose is to explore beautiful and, well, less beautiful pieces of code to understand better what makes code good. My hopes are that it will help myself and other, especially junior, developers understand and appreciate the qualities of code, thus making us better programmers.

The blog is open to all – contributions are welcome!

I’ve become interested in code quality when a reputable fellow student of mine at the Czech Technical University, Martin Vejmelka, told me that the piece of Assembly code I have sent him for review is an unstructured piece of crap that is really hard to read and understand. Later I worked on a couple of maintenance projects, evolving code created long ago by unexperienced developers, and I have experienced first-hand the pains of bad – a.k.a. legacy – code. And it was not only the subjective suffering, but also an objective loss of productivity when wasting days trying to understand and modify the ill-structured, duplicated, unreadable code, regularly and inadvertently introducing bugs, that made me really appreciate good code.

Some of the main sources of my inspiration regarding code quality are Uncle Bob’s Clean Code, Kent Beck’s Implementation Patterns (my review), Michael Feather’s Working Effectively with Legacy Code (a nice study of code “badness” and how to deal with it), and Rich Hickey’s talk Simple Made Easy (where he argues that “easy to understand” and “simple,” i.e. less complex, are two rather different qualities, the former sometimes weakening the latter).

So what is good code? It is code that is easy to read, without accidental complexity, and easy to evolve. That implies that it is testable, well-structured, communicates well the intention of the programmer, and follows the principles of good design such as Single Responsibility Principle, Don’t Repeat Yourself, encapsulation, the four simple design rules from Clean Code etc.

As Jeff Atwood has written, when you ask a competent programmer “What’s the worst code you’ve seen recently?”, the answer is “My own.” It is humbling to realize that the code we write is never perfect and that code that initially seemed to be good, looks much worse in hindsight. Therefore we shall not criticize people for writing bad code but rather use the code to learn to create better one.

By the eay, if you want to see some bad code of mine, you will certainly find something to criticize in my GitHub projects. Enjoy 🙂

Let’s close with a quote from Jeff Atwood’s Nobody Hates Software More Than Software Developers:

In short, I hate software – most of all and especially my own – because I know how hard it is to get it right. It may sound strange, but it’s a natural and healthy attitude for a software developer.

You might also want to check out my professional blog, The Holy Java, and find out who I am.

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